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Seriously Awesome Brokers

Reliable solutions from professional financial advisors can help you live the life you want. It is ideal to work with professional finance brokers in Sydney who have the experience and the expertise in assessing individual needs and providing financial products that will empower you to make better financial decisions.

Supra Finance is a well-established business and we have a very well-recognised team of finance brokers in NSW. We have lending specialists in asset finance, commercial vehicle financing, equipment financing, business loans, private lending and personal loans. Our professionally qualified finance brokers are:

  • Fully Credit Licenced under ASIC
  • Compliant with all aspects of legislation and lending policies
  • Qualified to comprehensively understand your financial position and requirements
  • Up to date on all asset types, lending policies and products
  • Accredited with all major and all second-tier lenders so we can usually source finance for even for borrower with the most challenging cases.


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We have brought to the market the best team of Brokers with a solid combined total of 46 years’ experience in finance! Our members are also professionally qualified who pride themselves as thoroughly understanding all aspects of lending and will do the right thing for our clients. They have over 100 years of combined experience of working within the finance industry.


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Michelle Ivanov – Director

Michelle has over 25 years of experience in finance with knowledge ranging from vehicle finance to mortgage broking. She is a qualified Finance broker in Sydney and assists clients Nationwide. As a business broker we offer all aspects of lending from vehicles, trucks, equipment and commercial.

Michelle also serves as Justice of the Peace in NSW.

Michelle holds a Diploma of Lending, Finance, and Financial Management, and Certificate IV in Mortgage Broking from Archer College. In 2014, she was a finalist for the Young Entrepreneur and Excellence in Business Ethics by the Chamber of Commerce South West. Her motto in life is “ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of using it”.

At Supra Finance, she takes pride in customer service being her no. 1 focus.


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What others say about us


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[av_testimonial_single src=’4409′ name=’Jayne and David’ subtitle=” link=’#’ linktext=’Sydney’ av_uid=’av-7vzu81′]
We can not find the words to thankyou in helping us in the right direction and heading to our dreams. Hopefully you’ll receive many calls from new clients that mention our names as we are and will be singing your praises!
[av_testimonial_single src=’4409′ name=’Andrew and Alison’ subtitle=” link=’#’ linktext=’Ormeau QLD’ av_uid=’av-6arnk1′]
Thankyou for all that you have done for us Supra Financial. Great products, great service and even greater people! Highly recommend your services to anyone and everyone!
[av_testimonial_single src=’4409′ name=’Paul and Lisa’ subtitle=” link=’#’ linktext=’Sydney’ av_uid=’av-47pblt’]
We just wanted to thank you for all your hard work in organising the finance for our first home. We would happily recommend you to anyone looking for an honest and reputable finance broker.
[av_testimonial_single src=’4409′ name=’Menka, Tim & Nellie’ subtitle=” link=’#’ linktext=’NSW’ av_uid=’av-7x50h’]
Hi Michelle, I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank you for all your hard work with the purchase of our new unit. Thank you for being super efficient and always making sure everything was as it needed to be.

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We always strive to offer the best in service & product to suit your individual needs.


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